Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Farley Junior Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’

Year 6

When will the SATs be?

SATS Support


Below are some videos to help with your revision. If you are still stuck on anything, don't forget to ask your teacher for additional help.



Tamara - Class Teacher

Siobhan - Class TeacherAisha - Class Teacher
Additional Teachers: Nicola & Angela
Teaching Assistants: Jaydeen, Kerry, Hamaira & Andrzej
Year Leader: Emma (Deputy Headteacher)


Things to Remember


due in

Reading Clubs



Homework out


Maths Clubs



PE: Children should come to school wearing their PE kit. 

  • White t-shirt, black/navy jumper, black trousers, black/navy shorts, black trainers.

Please note: Football kits and other coloured sports clothing will not be appropriate. 


Reading books: 

  • Children must bring their reading book and reading records in every day.
  • Reading Records should be signed daily after you listen to your child read.
  • If children would like to use Reading Plus some days, they will not need their reading records signed for these days.
  • This will be monitored by adults daily. 

Curriculum Plans

Knowledge Organisers

Home Learning


Every week, children will receive Maths and Grammar homework on Thursday. These homework tasks will help improve the children's fluency and understanding of both mathematical concepts and remembering the grammar rules. They will need to complete and return this by the following Tuesday. 


We expect children to also be using Reading Plus on a regular basis to help support their development of reading skills. Click the link below to access the login page. The site code is RPFARLEYJU. Their username and password is the same as Google Classroom. Speak to our child's class teacher if unsure of how to log on.


The best readers will spend at least 20 minutes on Reading Plus every day.



Autumn Term

Transitioning to Year 6 can be daunting in terms of Maths and the mathematical concepts for Year 6 to learn. However, our Year 6s have taken this in their stride and have proven to be excellent mathematicians! We are currently working on place value and understanding what each digit represents (working with numbers up to 10,000,000). During our place value unit, we have practised using number lines and bar models as methods to help with unpicking and understanding the process of working out answers. As a link to our Science unit about the Heart, we also carried out our own research into heart rate and how exercise affects it. Following our experiment, we collected and plotted our data onto a line graph. 


Spring Term

In Maths this term, we have been busy learning all about fractions, decimals and percentages. We have become quite the experts and we are confident to convert between the three. More recently we have learnt about ratio and proportions. If you need us to adapt a recipe for a different amount of people it could serve or different amounts of ingredients, we'd be happy to help!


Here are some useful videos and websites to help with learning:

Games focused on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Video about Converting Fractions to Decimals

Video about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Reading - Destination Reader

In Year 6, we love reading. It is a vital part of our curriculum and we prioritise time for children to read daily and have exposure to high quality texts throughout the year. See below for some books we will be encountering in Year 6.



In the Autumn term, we read 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. We really loved this book and especially enjoyed meeting the main characters in the book: Fred, Con, Lila and Max. Throughout the book, we discovered lots of information about each character and emphasised with them through their trials and tribulations during their time in the Amazon rainforest.  


This term, we will be reading 'When the Sky Falls' by Phil Earle. In our reading lessons (Destination Reader), we focus on developing our key reading skills. There are 7 skills in total; prediction, inference, summarising, questioning, clarifying, making links and evaluating. During Destination Reader lessons, we encourage supportive partner talk and appropriate learning behaviour to ensure everyone is focused and ready to learn. Linked below is a 'bookmark' which we use during our lessons. We highly recommend using this to help guide your conversations about books or what your child is reading.


It is important that children are reading for at least 30 minutes every day. We expect children's reading record to be signed at least 5 times a week at home with an adult or older sibling. If your child would like to log onto Reading Plus, they do not need to get their record signed as the teachers can check exactly which day the child logged in and for the duration of time spent on reading lessons. 

Take a look at our special reading areas.


Autumn Term

This half term, Year 6 has been working extremely hard. You may have heard about the buzz around our new roles including House Captains, Sports Captains, Reading Ambassadors and many more. Every single child planned, wrote and published a persuasive letter to hopefully be offered the job of their choice. Following on from our We are Leaders unit, we have begun our new unit 'Brazil is Calling'. As a hook into our unit, we have been reading our class novel - The Explorer by Katherine Rundell - which has us eagerly awaiting our reading lessons just so that we can read another chapter! 


We have also been busy learning our perspective drawing and set designs. We have made some amazingly detailed dioramas based on descriptive sentences from the book. Have a look on our website to see some examples. After studying the descriptive sentences from Katherine Rundell's book, we had a go at deciding on our own setting to write a description using key writing features such as: parenthesis, similes/metaphors, subordinate clauses and personification. Soon we will read our work to Year 5 and see if our descriptions allow our Year 5 partners to draw our setting.


Spring Term

In this half of the Spring term, we have focused on learning the timeline from the events which occurred that led to the war and some significant events, such as the Blitz, the Battle of Britain and Operation Dunkirk. We have studied lots of different sources (photographs, paintings, objects, etc.) to help understand what it was like during the war. We also wrote some imaginative eyewitness reports about the Battle of Britain. The children were able write some fantastic pieces whilst also including key facts and relevant historical vocabulary.



Here are some useful links to learn more about World War 2:

Videos about WW2 on BBC Teach

WW2 Facts and Timeline

All about WW2

Video with an eyewitness who lived through the air raids

Test your knowledge with this video quiz!

