Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Farley Junior Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’

Year 3


Hafsah - Class Teacher

Fauzia- Class TeacherRayhana- Class Teacher
Teaching Assistants
Marisa, Asima, Pauline, Ambia, Romana, Farrah
Year Leader: Hafsah
Things to Remember

Pre Teach Maths club

Bikeability club

Phonics Club

Arts and Crafts

Girls Football

Book Club

Reading Plus club

Swimming Club 




Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays & Tuesday's.

Their P.E kit includes:

  • white t- shirt, black/navy jumper, black trousers, black/navy shorts, black trainers.

Please note: Football kits and other coloured sports clothing will not be appropriate.


Reading Books: 

  •  Children must bring their reading book and reading records in every day.
  • Reading records should be signed daily after you listen to your child read.  
  • If children would like to use Reading Plus, they will not read their reading record signed in for these day (this will be monitored by adults daily).


Home learning: 

This half term's home learning you have been set a range of tasks based on what we will be learning about in the different curriculum subjects. Each task is worth a set amount of points and you need to achieve 15 points to receive a certificate and prize. Your homework is due Thursday 28th March 2024.

Useful websites to support with Home Learning: 

  • The Romans - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqtf34j 
  • Think Like a Roman Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYdoqFmJf6o 
  • Roman Numeral Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1UmAgekzbs&t=26s 
  • Roman Shield - https://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/romans/shield.html 
  • How to draw a Roman soldier - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uEkOhWJWb0 


Here are some fantastic examples of our work from our home learning.



In Maths we are focusing on fractions this half term. We are learning to compare fractions, understand unit and non- unit fractions, understand equivalent fractions, find fractions of amounts and add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. 


In Year 3, we are all have a strong passion for reading. Reading is an essential skill. It supports children to enhance their imagination and creativity as well as supporting the development of key spelling and communication skills. Therefore,  It is an essential part of our curriculum and we prioritise time for children to read daily. They have exposure to high quality texts throughout the year. See below for some books that we will be encountering in Year 3: 

So far, we have already read two fantastic books called 'Dear Earth' and 'Stone Age Boy'. 

This half term we will be reading 'The Great Cave by Terry Deary'. During our reading lessons (Destination Reader), the children will practice a range of key skills including: prediction, inference, summarising, questioning, clarifying, making links and evaluating. Throughout our destination reader sessions, we encourage supportive partner talk and appropriate learning behaviours to ensure children are motivated to learn and share their ideas within a classroom environment which promotes mutual respect. Linked below is the learning behaviours bookmark, that the children use at school daily. We highly recommend using this to guide your conversations about what your child is reading.


Year 3 have been working very hard this half term. They have learnt all about volcanoes and even made top trump cards on famous volcanoes. They planned and wrote a Tale of Fear focusing on building suspense in their writing.  The children proofread and edited their writing to improve and ensure that they include features such as: action verbs, show not tell, direct speech, fronted adverbials, conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions and expanded noun phrases. The children are now learning all about the Romans. They will be visiting the Verulamium museum and will be writing a diary recount based on their trip. 

Curriculum Plans

Here you will be able to see what the Year 3 children will be learning about this year. 

Knowledge Organisers


Use these knowledge organisers to help to further your learning.

